You just found out that your family’s expanding. Here are 8 questions to ask your provider about your pregnancy. You just took a pregnancy test, and it’s positive. You and your partner have a baby on the way. (Congrats, by the way.) Your mind is probably flooded with questions. Can you still drink coffee? Is […]
Having urinary incontinence can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Here’s how a telehealth appointment can help — plus, possible treatments. You were watching a comedy special with your family when it happened. You were laughing hard and suddenly felt some wetness, and your face immediately went red with embarrassment. What happened to you isn’t some rare […]
Warm-summer days, lots of sun, and outdoor activities can be fun. But when the temperature rises, so do cases of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. A day at the beach, working outside, or confined indoors without a fan or air conditioning on a hot day could be dangerous. An estimated 9,200 people a year are […]
Have you found that you’re short of breath more often than normal? Maybe when doing simple things such climbing the stairs or walking from your car to the supermarket? You might have one of 2 common lung conditions: asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). They’re both conditions that affect how well your lungs function […]
If you’re a smoker, it’s important to know how it affects your body. Here’s what to know. If you smoke, you increase your risk of disease, plain and simple. That includes heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and even certain eye diseases. In some cases, smoking can also cause chest pain. Chest pain from smoking […]
HealthMarkets helps you figure out why you’re not getting enough shut-eye — and what you can do about it. Healthy sleep is important at any age. But as you get older, it may feel more challenging to fall asleep or stay asleep. You may even find that you’re drowsy during the day. However, sleep problems […]
What is watsu, and what can it do for you? Ever felt the discomfort of tight muscles, aching joints, or tension from stress in your life? Chances are pretty good you’ve looked for ways to find relief. You know… Deep breathing Exercise Meditation Massage And sometimes even medication But there’s at least one more way […]
As the years go by, some may find themselves reaching for more salt, pepper, ketchup, hot sauce—anything to give your meal an extra kick. If this sounds familiar, you may have a bigger issue than bland food. More than 200,000 people see their doctors due to issue with their sense of taste or smell every […]
For many people, focusing on and filtering information can be a challenge. Gutenberg opened the information floodgates first with the invention of the printing press.1 Similarly, all the devices and channels now used to access that information, with social media playing a starring role, made information more available—and removed social restrictions on who publishes new […]